From Nostalgia to Innovation: Navigating Technological Evolution

Navigating the Technological Evolution

Holly Clark

Gordon Brown, Founder of Nine Twenty, reflects on his amazing family trip to Florida. He shares the breathtaking impact of technology and AI that surrounded him at Disney World.

Navigating the Technological Evolution: A Journey from Nostalgia to Innovation

I've just returned from an exhilarating trip to Florida, where my family and I celebrated my dad's 70th birthday in style. Raymond, a former engineer for Barr & Stroud turned part-time whisky tasting pro, wanted to treat his grandchildren to an unforgettable holiday at the theme parks. And what an adventure it was!

As we embarked on our two-week getaway, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness about stepping away from the hustle of my STEM recruitment business, Nine Twenty. Yet, the jam-packed schedule of park visits and family adventures quickly swept me into the magic of the moment, providing a much-needed break to reconnect with my wife Mel and our daughter Ruby.

My last visit to Disney was nearly 27 years ago, a time when rides like Jaws, ET, It's a Small World, Space Mountain, and Peter Pan's Flight ruled the realm of thrills and imagination. Back then, I vividly recall the exchange rate of 1 pound to 2 dollars, a stark contrast to today's economic landscape.

However, what truly struck me was the monumental shift in experiences—from the traditional feel of classic rides to the awe-inspiring world of virtual reality. Stepping into Disney's modern attractions felt like entering a brave new world where technology seamlessly blended with imagination.

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Watching Ruby experience Disney for the first time was a revelation in itself. The Avatar ride, with its description akin to today's tech language, transported us into another dimension where we soared on the back of banshees, feeling their breath against our skin as we traversed the lush landscapes of Pandora. And who could forget our daring escape in the Star Wars universe or our exhilarating journey through a black hole in Guardians of the Galaxy?

Two women standing in front of a waterfall

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For Ruby, these immersive experiences were almost expected, a testament to the rapid evolution of technology in our daily lives. Yet, for me, it was a jaw-dropping evolution of tech that I could both see and feel—a glimpse into the limitless possibilities of AI and emerging technologies. Amidst the excitement, however, one ride stirred a deep sense of nostalgia within me—the ET adventure. As I bid farewell to our extraterrestrial friend, I couldn't help but wonder: Can AI and avatars truly match the nostalgia of our beloved classics?

In reflecting on these advancements, it’s impossible to ignore the significant strides being made within AI and machine learning. This year alone, we've seen a staggering 75% increase in roles related to AI and machine learning compared to the same period last year. The future where we each have our own avatars, capable of navigating virtual environments and possibly even mimicking our behaviours and preferences, is becoming increasingly plausible.

As we stand on the cusp of an uncertain yet exhilarating future, I'm intrigued by the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Will future generations look back on today's technological marvels with the same fondness and nostalgia that I hold for ET and its companions?

Only time will tell. But one thing's for certain—our journey into the realms of technology and innovation is just beginning. At Nine Twenty, we’re excited to help shape this future by connecting talented individuals with opportunities in this rapidly growing field. Join us as we navigate this brave new world, where nostalgia meets innovation, and the future unfolds before our very eyes. Get in touch with @Naomi Jones


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