Nine Twenty Engineering are Supporting The British Transplant Games

Supporting The British Transplant Games

Emma HartEngineering, Glasgow, News

Nine Twenty Engineering & Manufacturing are delighted to be supporting the Westfield Health British Transplant Games in July as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility for 2017.



This year marks the Games 40th Anniversary, also the 10th Anniversary of the games being held here in Scotland.  Preparations are well underway to bring over 1500 transplantees, their supporters and their specialist nurses to Scotland with an estimated total of 4500 people getting involved in the games during the last weekend of July next year.


The games provide the opportunity for donors and donor’s families to witness and recognise the lives saved and transformed through the generous acts of organ donation. There are currently 540 people in Scotland with life threatening illnesses awaiting a transplant, with over 2 million people registered as potential donors. Unfortunately, only 30% of approaches made to families of the donor are successful due to families being unaware of their family member’s wish to be an organ donor.


Nine Twenty Engineering Director Karen Stewart:




“Nine Twenty Engineering & Manufacturing are delighted to support the British Transplant Games in any way we can. We are a business who is truly passionate about people and keen to utilise our network to make a difference and that is why we have chosen to get involved in this worthy cause as part of our ongoing CSR ambitions. I am appealing to my network to get in touch with me to discuss ways in which we can help this amazing cause. Let’s work together to raise awareness and make this event as successful as we can.”


In order for the games to be truly successful, they require funding and as such they have a range of sponsorship opportunities allowing local businesses to pledge their support


If you would like to support the Transplant games, any form of backing, financial or otherwise would be welcomed. Sponsorship packages range from as little as £500 up to headline sponsorship packages of £20,000- more information can be found here.


Could your company get involved as part of your Corporate Social Responsibility?


If you wish to find out more about our involvement in the British Transplant Games or how you could work with us to support this cause, contact Karen Stewart on or call our office on 0141 231 1260. 



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